Wednesday 17 June 2009

Thirty teenagers kept busy in treasure hunt

Thank you for the planning kit. The treasure hunt was a success. We named the stations Cannibal Island, where they had to eat flesh bottom feet with Rat Scat and whisker sauce (sushi with soy sauce) and Baby Rat eyeballs for dessert (Boba gelatin balls), Mexico Mathematico, where they completed a series of problems, Tour De France, Where they completed a bicycle obstacle course, Kansas City, where as a group they raced to bite the corn off the husk and fill their group cup with corn for the hungry crows, St.Francis Hospital, where they completed a "name the human bones" drawing and each took a turn on the game operation to remove the bones, Figi Island, where one person from the group needed to retrieve fresh water balloons ( water balloons) and bring them back to camp!

They all had a good time. We had about thirty teenagers, both boys and girls, so it was a great activity to bring them all together. Thanks!

Susan Vazquez, California, USA

More details on a great Teen Treasure Hunt here

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